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Mobile Development

Everyone has a smartphone attached to their hip. Mobile development brings your company right to the fingertips of your customers. Many think mobile development is limited to making apps for phones and tablets. In fact, our staff at Silicon Syrup provides so much more.


Even basic websites need mobile development. When optimized for mobile, interaction with your company's brand is upgraded. Customers can get frustrated quickly by getting lost in too many clicks, long uploads, or text that doesn't fit the screen.


App development, on the other hand, is a special type of programming. If your company wants to connect with the consumer through mobile apps, we can assist. Our experts can facilitate end-to-end app development for whatever your needs may be.


Our company regularly works top-performing companies across the city of London. Trust a mobile developer who understands your unique needs and how to access your customer.

Startup Development Team


Simply put, a technologist is someone who specializes in technology. Companies in all industries across London and the UK employ technologists to manage day-to-day activity. So how can our technologists help you and your company?


Our technologists at Silicon Syrup think in terms of strategy first. Before setting out to implement change, our technologists look at the big picture, decide what the issue is, and plan the most effective way forward. Our constructive methods implement a variety of tools to explore various options to overcome challenges. While we work primarily with technological solutions, we understand the human element behind every company. Our innovative solutions can improve the lives and jobs of those in your business with technology as a tool, rather than an end in itself.


If you're in the market for a technologist, contact us at Silicon Syrup today. We're happy to assist with your product design, testing, creation needs, and more.

IT strategy

Every modern business needs an IT strategy, no matter how big or small. Reinforcing your organization with a competitive, ongoing IT strategy enhances your capability within the market. At Silicon Syrup, we bring IT strategy solutions to the heart of the UK, making the city of London stand heads above the competition.


Lying at the intersection of business and technology, a robust IT strategy provides direction, value, and alignment across departments to create a competitive advantage.


Some pieces to consider when discussing your IT strategy include:

  • Mobility of your company

  • Social media presence and integration

  • Green and environmental initiatives

  • Security

  • Data management

  • The scope of the competitive landscape

  • Cost-effective solutions

Our consultants work directly with you to come up with an innovative, effective IT strategy, taking into consideration your specific business needs. Contact us today for more information about how we can upgrade your business operations.

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